The revolution will be standardized

Like a Baldwin-esque fire, I want this apocalypse to burn away or reveal the truth of what runs the world. Because the forces of “law and order” don’t just protect the perpetuance of an often amorphous and publicly disavowed “racism,” but at a far more insidious level, they undergird the interests of an insatiable greed that predates our efforts at Instagramming the revolution.

This greed enslaved black and brown bodies for centuries as a way of propping up the economy of a fledgling nation and violently pilfered the lands of our country’s indigenous peoples to form its republic. This greed has dismantled nation-states across the globe to protect “our” way of life, or keep “us” safe. It cages immigrant children at the border and incarcerates whole generations of Black men in for-profit prisons. It pits marginalized communities against one another in a race for “representation.”

Read more at Baptist News